Home Loan
Home Loan

You must be at least 21 years of age for the loan to be sanctioned. The loan must terminate before or when you turn 65 years of age. You must be employed or self-employed with a regular source of income.
Office premises loan

You must be at least 21 years of age for the loan to be sanctioned. The loan must terminate before or when you turn 65 years of age. You must be self-employed with a regular source of income. The loan can be for the purchase / construction / extension of a non-residential property. A loan for renovation or improvement will be given only at the time of acquisition of property. Professionally qualified and self-employed individuals can apply. A minimum of 3 year’s work experience is a must.
Loan Amount

A number of factors such as your income, age, number of dependants, qualifications, assets and liabilities, income stability/ continuity of your employment / business etc. are taken into account when assessing your repayment capacity.
However, there are ways by which you can enhance your eligibility: If your spouse is earning, add him/her as a co-applicant. The additional income shall be included to enhance your loan amount. Incidentally, if there are any co-owners they must necessarily be co-applicants. Did you know that your fiancée’s income could also be considered for sanctioning the loan on your combined income? The disbursement of the loan, however, is done only after you submit proof of your marriage. Providing additional security like bonds, fixed deposits and LIC policies may also help to enhance eligibility. While there is no need for a guarantor, having one might enhance your credibility with us. If so, our loan officer would provide you with the necessary details. However, the final amount to be sanctioned will depend on your repayment capacity. In the total cost, registration charges, transfer charges and stamp duty costs are included.
General Documents
Documents required for applying for a home loan (for self-employed professionals and businessmen)

1. Updated bank passbook or a Xerox of the statement of accounts for the last 6 months
2. Age proof: PAN card, Voters ID, Passport and License Xerox of ration card Business profile with details on the nature of business, list of clients, suppliers, staff strength, geographical spread, etc.
3. Xerox of education qualifications certificate and proof of business existence
4. Xerox of last 3 years Income Tax returns Last 3 years profit /loss and balance sheet Processing fees cheque
5. Documents required for applying for a home loan (for employed professionals)
6. Latest salary certificate / slip in original
7. ge proof: PAN card, voters ID, passport, license
8. Xerox of Form no.16 A (TDS Form) from employer. Certificate in original from employer for any other allowances, which are not reflected in salary slip
9. Updated bank pass book / Xerox of statement of accounts for last 6 months
10. Xerox of your company’s ID or ration card
11. Passport size photographs of applicant and co-applicant
12. Processing fees cheque
13. You may be asked to submit further legal documents if required by the bank or its approved lawyers. Retain photocopies of all the documents being submitted by you.

Your loan will be disbursed after you identify and select the property that you are purchasing and submit the requisite legal documents. Each and every single document asked for will be verified and checked for your safety. This may take some time but we want to ensure a clear title by completing all the legal and technical verifications so that you have full rights to your home. The 230 A Clearance of the seller and / or 37I clearance from the appropriate income tax authorities (if applicable) is also needed. On satisfactory completion of the above, registration of the conveyance deed and investment of your own contribution, the loan amount (as warranted by the stage of construction) will be disbursed by Bank. The disbursement will be in favour of the builder/seller.
List of documents for disbursement
- Loan Agreements
- Disbursement Requests
- Post-dated cheques
- Personal guarantors documents, as the case may be